Opening Account Procedure

For opening an account with FxPro, there are the following steps to follow:

1. Visit their website (FXPRO)

Register or open account with FX Pro

2. Click on register option, which is on the top right corner of the page. The new page will be opened as follows:

Registration procedure of opening account with FX Pro

3. After filling up the form, click on register. Next, you will be asked will be your education qualification.

4. Then they check your trading knowledge with the help of a small test.

5. Verify yourself by uploading the required documents.

6. You will receive an email with your login credentials.

7. Deposit and you are good to go for trading.

8. The dashboard of Fxpro is below:

FX Pro Dashboard Look

FX Pro Login

Login into FX Pro is quite simple, you just have to visit their homepage and click on Hello Sign in (Your Account). Once you click on that option you will be prompted with a button to login after which a new page will open where you have to enter your email ID and password and you are all set.

FX Pro Demo Account

To open a demo account with FX Pro, scroll down the homepage there is an option of trading like a pro, in which you can open a demo account as shown below:

When to use Demo Accounts?

There are several conditions where you can use a demo account such as:

1. If you are new to trading and don’t have any idea how to trade on the trading platform.

2. If you want to use a new trading strategy, then to test it out it is best to use a demo account.

3. If you start using an automated trading platform, you can test it out on a demo account.

4. If the reason you want to do forex is to check your skills.

FX Pro Deposit and Withdrawal options

Well, as I have mentioned before the feature they have in deposit and withdrawal is their own wallet system, when you will fund your account the money will be transferred to the automatically generated wallet from that wallet you can transfer the funds to any of the accounts you want to.

Let’s see the deposit methods Fxpro offers:

Deposit channels FX Pro Provides

The amount is credited to the wallet within a few minutes of the transaction. When you transfer money from your wallet to any of the accounts it is credited within a few seconds and this way is quite easy. There are no charges on deposit and withdrawal which makes the broker cost less.

Withdrawal methods are also the same as the deposit one, they have only 4 methods which are mostly used by people to fund accounts. The overall procedure of funding is easy, secure, and fast.

The internal transfer window has two steps:

The first visit to Wallet and the screen would be as follows:

FX Pro Dashboard Look

Now click on the transfer option, in which the window will ask you the following details:

How to transfer funds within different account types

Enter the required details and your transfer is done.

One thing to note is that for making internal transfers first you have to transfer the funds from account to wallet and then from the wallet you can transfer the fund to another account.

Minimum Deposit Amount with FX Pro?

The minimum deposit amount with FX Pro is $100, but with the help of an internal transfer, you can internally transfer fewer funds to other account types.

Deposit/ withdrawal rate / FX Pro Deposit Fees?

There are no charges on deposit and withdrawal with FX Pro Broker.


In this article, we have learned how to open account with FX pro broker, what are the steps one need to follow to open account with them. Apart from that we also got to know about how and where to login into your account in FX Pro.

FX Pro also provides Demo account, well eventually every broker does. The major advantage of demo account is that you are not going to lose any money but you can trade like real with the virtual currency to learn about this market.

We also learned about the deposit and withdrawal methods that FX Pro offers and which option did I find the best out of all. They also have internal transfer wallet for fund transfer from one account to another which I find quite useful in terms of when having short on funds.